The OlderWiserWomen (tm) Blog

Celebrating the Journey ~ Inspiring Women to Embrace and Enjoy the Magnificent Journey of Aging!

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Location: Washington, United States

Barbara C. Phillips is dually board certified as both a Geriatric and Family Nurse Practitioner. A published author and speaker, she is the founder of OlderWiserWomen™, LLC which has the mission and purpose to inspire women to the freedom, magic and wisdom of Successful Aging. More can be found at


Friday, August 06, 2004


Whatever you can do
or dream you can, begin it!
Boldness has genius, power
and magic in it.



Tuesday, August 03, 2004

100 Things About Me

  1. I had a wonderful dog named Geisha.
  2. I’m the Daughter of Carol and the grand daughter of Mama Phillips.
  3. I was born in Seattle, WA.
  4. I grew up in San Francisco, CA.
  5. The first college I attended was in San Jose, CA.
  6. I use to dream of flying without wings.
  7. I dream of the stars and wonder who is out there.
  8. At one time I wanted to be a marine biologist.
  9. The Ocean/Beach runs in my blood and spirit.
  10. I have a secret dream of being a photographer for National Geographic Magazine. My job is to photograph tide pools all over the world.
  11. I love to watch women’s track (ie Summer Olympics).
  12. One of my friends whom I greatly admire is Willow. She has taught me more about me than she knows.
  13. To my recall, I did not go through the “I hate my mother” phase that many young women go through. I rather enjoy my mother…always have.
  14. I use to smoke and am very glad that it’s past tense!
  15. I spent 3 weeks in NZ in March 2000.
  16. My favorite part of NZ was the east coast of the South Island.
  17. I had to run from a Sea Lion (they are fast!).
  18. I love watching birds, and was thrilled to see an Albatross.
  19. I was the oldest of 5, now we are 3.
  20. I am Multi-Ethnic and hate having to “check one”.
  21. I was once a politically active student.
  22. I finished high school 1 semester early.
  23. My favorite subject in high school was biology.
  24. I don’t care for buzzing insects.
  25. I became a mother at the age of 24.
  26. I love spinach.
  27. I love purple.
  28. I love soft music, such as soft jazz violin, piano and flute.
  29. One of my favorite pianist is George Winston.
  30. No, it’s not a perm.
  31. I used to go to every Dionne Warwick concert regardless of the location.
  32. I’ve had my hand inside someone chest, around their heart.
  33. I underwent Lasik! Thank you!
  34. INFP
  35. I’m a Gemini.
  36. I don’t understand narrow minded people.
  37. I don’t understand people who seem to have a sense of being better than others.
  38. I was NEVER a hippy.
  39. I was a Motown snob growing up.
  40. I’m left handed.
  41. I have realized my childhood dream of having a library…and it continues to grow.
  42. The best job I ever had was to work with those dying of AIDS.
  43. Death teaches you about living. Blessings to all my teachers.
  44. My life gets better with age.
  45. Childbirth? Once was enough.
  46. I love my bed.
  47. As a child, my Dad brought home a friend of his named - nice man, but I still don't like baseball.
  48. I adore good coffee.
  49. I have seen wild cougars twice.
  50. I love the Olympic Peninsula .
  51. The first time I saw a Bald Eagle was in British Columbia, and I cried.
  52. I like to wear black.
  53. I look good in red.
  54. I want to climb a pyramid.
  55. I want to see a Blue Footed Boobie.
  56. I love to travel.
  57. I love gadgets.
  58. My son is taller than me.
  59. I learned to drive at age 13 in Golden Gate Park.
  60. My father taught me.
  61. I stayed on the Island of Bermuda for several months.
  62. I love to be behind the camera lens.
  63. I dislike being in front of it.
  64. I once saw an American Bittern.
  65. I love gardening.
  66. I cycled the Tulip Pedal in wind and rain.
  67. I’ve been cultivating grey hair for many years.
  68. I once drove a motor cycle into the side of a house.
  69. I lived to tell about it.
  70. My favorite months are August and September.
  71. There are many women with my name.
  72. Fall is my favorite season.
  73. I like good sci-fi.
  74. I finally have the most fantastic partner.
  75. I get better with age!
  76. I want to orbit the Earth.
  77. I don’t eat red meat.
  78. My spirit needs the beach, the stars, the wind, the birds, the trees, space and my mountains.
  79. I honor the spirit in you.
  80. I’m thankful when people pick up their own trash.
  81. Sunrises and sunsets make my heart sing.
  82. I see that I will have to revise this list as I learn more about me.
  83. In 4th grade, I was the jacks champion.
  84. When my son was a toddler, he asked me not to sing anymore.
  85. I love a good challenge…at least for a while.
  86. I actually do make a difference in some people’s lives in the work I do.
  87. I enjoy good fresh food.
  88. Life is meant to be lived, explored.
  89. I am suppose to grow, even though it hurts sometimes.
  90. I make paper.
  91. My right brain is aching to get away from my left brain.
  92. I’m entering the best time of my life.
  93. My fathered died when I was 16….I still miss him.
  94. We really do need to save our planet.
  95. I dislike meetings.
  96. I’m a very spiritual person.
  97. I love the early mornings.
  98. I want to cycle long distance.
  99. I would like to be alive in 200 years just to see what advances we have made.
  100. Meteor showers are awesome!