The OlderWiserWomen (tm) Blog

Celebrating the Journey ~ Inspiring Women to Embrace and Enjoy the Magnificent Journey of Aging!

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Location: Washington, United States

Barbara C. Phillips is dually board certified as both a Geriatric and Family Nurse Practitioner. A published author and speaker, she is the founder of OlderWiserWomen™, LLC which has the mission and purpose to inspire women to the freedom, magic and wisdom of Successful Aging. More can be found at


Friday, May 27, 2005

People over 50 - what do they do online?

43% search for far-flung friends and family
22% play web games such as bingo
7% regularly visit online dating services and chat rooms
Source: Telewest Broadband survey 2005

And the women....they visit


Monday, May 23, 2005

Menopause Book Offer

A few days ago, I received my copy of the monthly newsletter, Menopause Moments from my friend Rebecca, The Menopause Expert. She is making an awesome offer to the readers of MenopauseMoments. So I asked her if I could pass it on to women in my networks and she agreed. I have to tell you, I read “Feelin’ Hot” and found it to be wonderfully fresh in that it’s truthful about what to expect and how you can have a major impact on your own experience of menopause. I think this is a wonderful deal.

Below, I’ve just cut and pasted in what Rebecca wrote. If you want to take advantage of this offer (who wouldn’t), please be mindful of the deadline…it’s next week! And be sure and follow her directions exactly.

And now from Rebecca:

I am offering a very special gift to just the subscribers of my newsletter. Until May 31, 2005, I will include a copy of Conversations on Health and Wellness, a book I co-authored with Dr. John Grey, FR^EE with every purchase of my extremely popular book Feelin' Hot? A Humorous, Informative and Truthful Look at Menopause.

To receive this special offer, simply order your copy of Feelin' Hot? from the link below. When you are asked How did you hear about us? select the response "Rebecca's Newsletter." With your order of Feelin' Hot?, I will enclose, as my gift to you, a copy of Conversations on Health and Wellness.

Conversations on Health and Wellness normally sells for $19.95 plus $3.50 shipping and handling. Now you can get Feelin' Hot? AND Conversations on Health and Wellness for just $14.95 plus $3.50 shipping and handling. That's a savings of over $23.

Simply click on the link below to purchase yours. This offer will end at midnight May 31, 2005. Don't miss this great opportunity.

The Link: Rebecca’s offer!


Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Communicating with those who have passed on

On one of the list-serves I’m on with other OlderWiserWomen, the discussion recently revolved around ancestors and evolved into women’s experiences in talking with deceased with family members and significant others.

I love these stories!

First of all, I believe every one of them. I've been in health care for too long and have seen to many "unexplainable" events. They don't just happen in hospice, but in emergency rooms, critical care units and medical units. The most profound professional experiences I had was when I worked AIDS hospice in the early 90's.

On a personal father died when I was 16. A few days after his funeral, I was in the garage when he walked up the drive way. He called me by my nickname and told me everything was going to be okay. Being the 16 year old, I thought he was being a bit strange and returned to the house. It was only once I was in the family room that I realized what had just happened. Needless to say...I was beside myself.

The next time I clearly remember seeing him was after I moved to Seattle and was a college student. He was often on the bus with me as I went to and from school. The first time that happened, I'm sure the gentleman I was staring at thought I was nuts...but my father just kept fading in and out over this man's face.

There have been other incidences that I've seen him, but in the last few years now I only occasionally "feel" his presence.

I have no doubt that this lifetime is only the beginning.

What stories do you have to share?


BBC NEWS | Business | 'Gender gap' is biggest in Egypt

BBC NEWS | Business | 'Gender gap' is biggest in Egypt

Top 10 world locations for gender equality:
1: Sweden
2: Norway
3: Iceland
4: Denmark
5: Finland
6: New Zealand
7: Canada
8: United Kingdom
9: Germany
10: Australia

And the US...came in at 17.

What do you think about the story? Does any of this surprise you?


Wednesday, May 11, 2005

STLtoday - Entertainment - Books

A new book review of Midlife Women!

You can pick it up at Amazon:
Fearless Women: Midlife Portraits


What Midlife Women Really Want - press release

What Midlife Women Really Want

Summary: Over 40 million women are entering the 2nd half of their lives and what they really want is not what you think. It’s not about the gray hair, a few wrinkles or hitting the big 5-0.

The recent (5/9/05) story in Time Magazine has hopefully opened eyes to what midlife and older women really want. So often, society looks at midlife as just being that – midlife, menopause, empty nest, gray hair and wrinkles. Yet, to women it’s so much more.

Barbara C. Phillips, NP, founder of OlderWiserWomen, LLC has collected stories from women about their views of positive and successful aging experiences.

These stories tell of women looking forward to this time of their life as a time of renewal, of exploring new areas of interest and of the “freedom to be whole and who I really want to be”. Women speak of lessons learned, wisdom granted, and the ability to look forward to accepting new challenges. Many of these women actually look forward to growing older and to the gifts that come with age.

Phillips, a board certified Geriatric and Family Nurse Practitioner and author, listened to the many questions and requests for information about aging that her patients had. Thus, OlderWiserWomen, LLC was born with the mission to inspire women to experience the freedom, magic and wisdom of successful aging.

For further information and to receive a complimentary copy of “Celebrating You: 50 Tips for Vibrant Living”, please visit

Barbara C. Phillips, NP
OlderWiserWomen, LLC


Monday, May 02, 2005

Birds? Shorebirds!

Lucky me…I live in the Pacific Northwest, along the coast. And right now it’s time for the Grays Harbor Shorebird Festival which happens every spring when we “host” literally thousands of shorebirds (mostly sandpipers, dunlins and plovers) for a few short weeks as they make their way to Alaska.

For the past two weeks, I’ve been watching the numbers swell. It’s an incredible site and an incredible sound. Watching thousands of birds take flight at the same time, and fly with superior precision to the Blue Angles is nothing short of spectacular.

You can learn more about our shorebird festival and my little corner of the world here.

If you are wondering what this has to do with OlderWiserWomen...I’d say everything. One of the gifts of getting a bit older, is that you appreciate the world around you, especially the parts that bring you joy. So, if you are looking for me in the next week or so…I’ll be at the Estuary.

Happy Birding!

Barbara C. Phillips, NP