The OlderWiserWomen (tm) Blog

Celebrating the Journey ~ Inspiring Women to Embrace and Enjoy the Magnificent Journey of Aging!

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Location: Washington, United States

Barbara C. Phillips is dually board certified as both a Geriatric and Family Nurse Practitioner. A published author and speaker, she is the founder of OlderWiserWomen™, LLC which has the mission and purpose to inspire women to the freedom, magic and wisdom of Successful Aging. More can be found at


Sunday, September 25, 2005

Botswana WildCam

At first, it can seem off topic, but have you ever considered that animals that survive in the wild generally are those who have learned to be wiser? And definitely they will be older if they are surviving and even thriving.

National Geographic happens to be my very favorite magazine. (One of my alter ego's swears she's a photographer for them! ) Not only are the pictures excellent, but the writing is superb. It's a treat to the brain (very important of OWW) as well as the eyes.

Well NG has outdone themselves. They have a WildCam up and running 24/7 at a place called Pete's Pond in Botswana. You can watch any number of animals in their natural environment as they gather at Pete's Pond. Baboons, elephants, wildebeests, ostriches, impalas, zebras, warthogs and much more. There's even a croc in the waters.

I've heard rumors stating that this site will only be available until sometime in October or November...make sure you take a peak. (It helps if you have a broadband connection.)

Enjoy the WildCam, but consider yourself's addictive!

What a gift this is. Thank you National Geographic!

Barbara C. Phillips, NP


Thursday, September 22, 2005


Its official today is the first day of my very favorite season of the year...Autumn. Already we have had some leaves turning beautiful colors and falling along my favorite walking paths. The air takes on a certain flavor and the light shines just a bit different.

It's been so lovely here (it always is when you know the rainy season is around the corner), yesterday I escaped the office for a bike ride around Lake Quigg. Everything was perfect (the temperature, the air, the wind, the trees, few people)...until...there in the middle of the path was a snake. Unfortunately I saw it too late.

In the western part of the Pacific Northwest, it's uncommon to see snakes on a shaded path...this is probably the third time ever. I would like to believe that my long skinny friend sustained only bruises yesterday.

On a happier note, I was blessed to see an osprey dive for dinner and come up with a salmon...only to drop it back in the water when two bald eagles, coming out of different directions tried to join her for dinner! What a site to watch those three raptors perform their acrobats over the lake.

Yep...I love this season!

Happy Spring to those of you in the Southern Hemisphere, and Happy Autumn to those of us in the North.


Sunday, September 18, 2005

Cooking Teleseminar on 9/20/05

During the International OlderWiserWomen's day month long presentation, there was one presentation we had to reschedule. “Cooking to Entertain”, with Laura Gonzalez, will be held this coming Tuesday and you can get all the details here:

As before, this class will be both in a limited seating web conference room (sign up soon to get a seat), as well as on the teleconference line. To sign up for this free class, just enter your email address and name and the call details will be sent to you.

Looking forward to hearing you on the call.

Barbara C. Phillips, NP


Friday, September 16, 2005

The Australian: Working women in best of health [September 15, 2005]

Working women in best of health
Selina Mitchell
September 15, 2005

WOMEN juggling paid work and the unpaid care of their families are in better mental and physical health than those who stay home.

And younger women in their 20s are more likely to be stressed than their mothers or grandmothers, a 10-year study of 40,000 Australian women found.

Unlike the myth of the grumpy old woman, the research has shown that as women get older they don't get crankier or rapidly lose their faculties.

But fears that 10 years of dieting have achieved little have been confirmed, with women in their 20s and 50s adding at least half a kilo a year in weight.

The landmark study will continue to track the health of the women, from three generational age groups, for at least another decade, but figures were released yesterday to mark the mid-point of the research.

Read the rest of the article here.

Barbara C. Phillips, NP


Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Proven steps to a longer life

Proven steps to a longer life
By Liz Szabo, USA TODAY

Millions of Americans take steps to reduce their risk of heart disease, such as taking cholesterol-lowering drugs and watching the salt in their diets.

But most people don't know how to protect themselves from cancer, says Karen Collins, nutrition adviser to the American Institute for Cancer Research. Many people worry about possible environmental causes of cancer, such as pollution and food additives, but are unaware of proven ways to reduce their cancer risk, such as exercising and eating more vegetables, Collins says

Read more..... - Proven steps to a longer life

Barbara C. Phillips, NP


Tuesday, September 06, 2005

In Case of Emergency

There is a movement afoot...and it sounds like a grand idea to me. Apparently the idea comes from a British paramedic who has suggested that we program into our cell phones the initials ICE which means of in case of emergency. You would then list who want notified by authorities "in case of an emergency". It makes good sense since so many people are hardly without cell phones these days.

However, don't expect paramedics on the scene to automatically search for your cell phone. Their first priority is to care for you and get you transported to the hospital. Most likely, it will be hospital personnel that will make use of that information.

While you are at it, think about whom you want making decisions if you are unable and get that Health Care Power of Attorney done. You will find more information on advanced directives and living wills at

Barbara C. Phillips, NP



I suppose it I should not be surprised. Spammers always seem to be a step or two ahead of everyone else.

It's bad enough that they send out spam, but now...they are using innocent folk's email address to send out the spam! I've been getting spam sent to me...FROM ME. In other words, they have harvested my email address and are sending out their spam that looks like it comes from me! I get about 10 of these per day right now. It's truly frustrating! I figure if I am getting them, you may be getting them as well.

I'm not alone in this. In fact, you will find the same complaint posted on other blogs such as the Online Success Secrets blog by Jeanette Cates.

At this point, it looks like I'll begin removing all clickable email address links so at least their programs cannot "harvest" my email address. You will see changes coming in the coming weeks. I'm looking into forms to be filled out for email, or perhaps some other script that will keep email addresses safe.

If anyone has ideas on how to stop this madness, please don't keep it to yourself! In the meantime, if you are getting this junk...I'm sorry. There does not appear to be a way to stop it at this time.

Barbara C. Phillips, NP


Charity Organizations

Lots of people are saying they don't want to donate to various organizations because of historical problems. Well I can't blame them.

I do, however, encourage you to vist Charity Navigator, an indpendent organization that will give you the lo-down on various charities.

Other sources:
Network for Good

Take of of yourselves and each other.