The OlderWiserWomen (tm) Blog

Celebrating the Journey ~ Inspiring Women to Embrace and Enjoy the Magnificent Journey of Aging!

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Location: Washington, United States

Barbara C. Phillips is dually board certified as both a Geriatric and Family Nurse Practitioner. A published author and speaker, she is the founder of OlderWiserWomen™, LLC which has the mission and purpose to inspire women to the freedom, magic and wisdom of Successful Aging. More can be found at


Saturday, January 28, 2006

Love Those Boomers

Ladies, you are now the darlin's of the big markets! I remember hearing from women who were my seniors that when we reached a certain age, we were ignored. longer!

Take a look and see why - Love Those Boomers


Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Acting Your Age!

The Acting Your Age mini ecourse is now available!

It's free and can be accessed by going to

Check it out!


Monday, January 23, 2006

The Universe....

I get these daily (M-F) quotes sent directly to my email from The Universe. I absolutely love them. More often than not, they pull me back so that I fly off again...this time in the correct direction.

Here is the one that came today:

With the vista of a new year still dawning, is it my imagination, Barbara, or is someone out there forgetting that the "hows" are my domain? That when it comes to manifesting change, their real job is to focus upon the end result. And that simply doing what they can, with what they've got, from where they are, will always be enough to move heaven and earth?

I didn't think so.

The Universe
Right-click here to download pictures. To help protect your privacy, Outlook prevented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Go and visit The Universe for your own free thoughts. You will love them!


Thursday, January 19, 2006

Do you blog?

Are you a member of OlderWiserWomen? Do you have a blog?

Go on over to the contact page, fill our the form and send me the info. I'll add a category of Blogs by OlderWiserWomen and post them for all to see. Please put "My blog" in the category.

Looking forward to seeing your blogs!


Sunday, January 15, 2006


"We'd never know how high we are,
till we are called to rise;
and then,
if we are true to plan,
our statures touch the sky."

~Emily Dickinson


Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Happy Wednesday!

The Happy Wednesday Broadcast is a wonderful mid-week boost. Every week, Joanie Winberg sends out a quick quote with some thoughts or tips that quote. Very inspiring and uplifting.

This week, yours truly and OlderWiserWomen were featured with a quote and thought! How fun it was to listen too!

Take a listen to Happy Wednesday. And if you are not a subscriber, consider doing will not be sorry.

Barbara C. Phillips, NP


Thursday, January 05, 2006

How to think big, bold, beautiful and bodacious!

I think this is an important poem. Apparently so did Nelson Mandella when he read it during his 994 inaugural speech. (Thank you Jeanette Cates for bringing it to my attention.) it and then really think about it.....

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate,
our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.

We ask ourselves, 'who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous,
talented, fabulous?'

Actually who are you NOT to be?

Your playing small does not serve the world.

There is nothing enlightening about shrinking
so that others won't feel unsure around you.

As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously
give others permission to do the same.

As we are liberated from our own fear,
our presence automatically liberates others.

~Marianne Williamson

Now ask yourself these questions:
  • Without fear, who would you be?
  • Without fear, where would you be?
  • Without fear, what would your life look like?
  • Without fear, what would you have done?
Is fear worth the cost?

Go out today and so something that makes you a bit fearful and allows you to be just a bit more powerful. Make sure you celebrate your results.

Think big, bold, beautiful and bodacious!


Barbara C. Phillips, NP
ActingYourAge: A Guide for Women who Refuse to Go Over-the-Hill!


Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Who else wants to eliminate fear?

As a health care provider, I've worked with both men and women to make changes in their lives that affect their health. Sometimes, what holds us back are our own roadblocks that come from frustration about procrastination, feeling stuck, feeling upset with themselves. It makes it difficult to move forward, to meet the goals we set up for ourselves. This is true not only when we try to make changes that affect our health, but every aspect of our lives. I know...

What if you could change your relationship with fear, permanently!

Lorraine Cohen, business coach, life strategist, has taken her own personal success in transforming fear into POWER and the success of over 1500 clients in the last 20 years, and created Fearless- Keys to Turning MOUNTAINS into Mole Hills as an 8 -session program. The program was beta tested to a select group in September 2005. The response was so positive that she added additional content to make this program even more dynamic. The result is a cutting edge, multi-layered proven program rooted in empowerment, psychology, and spirituality.

Let me be clear. This class doesn’t show you how to use another technique to manage your fear. This program teaches you how to decrease the power fear has on you so that you can use your fear to change your life.

The official launch of this program is scheduled for Monday, January 30th, just in time to help you get off to a STRONG start in 2006! You’ll participate in eight 90-minute sessions delivered over 4 months (2 sessions per month). You’ll also get an interactive workbook, access to recordings, a personal coaching session with Lorraine, and $300 in bonus gifts to empower you personally and professionally.

And the best part is that I know that Lorraine brings integrity, heart, and spirituality to all of her programs. Her light-hearted compassionate spirit makes learning a positive and powerful experience.

“Could you use a process that would allow you to release the locks of fear? Would you like a toolbox full of tools to move forward in spite of previous fears? Then you are at the right place at the right time! You have nothing to lose but the control that fear has over you." - D. Briggs, Computer Engineer, September 2005 program participant.

Want to make 2006 your best year EVER? Get all the details about this powerful class:

Space is limited to 12 participants, so hurry to get in on the special pricing that expires on 1/15/06! Don’t miss two free intros offered on 1/19 and 1/24!

To your success in being fearless!

Barbara C. Phillips, NP