The OlderWiserWomen (tm) Blog

Celebrating the Journey ~ Inspiring Women to Embrace and Enjoy the Magnificent Journey of Aging!

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Location: Washington, United States

Barbara C. Phillips is dually board certified as both a Geriatric and Family Nurse Practitioner. A published author and speaker, she is the founder of OlderWiserWomen™, LLC which has the mission and purpose to inspire women to the freedom, magic and wisdom of Successful Aging. More can be found at


Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Safe Stress

This is just another reason you will want to attend the free teleseminar on December 8th! Keep your eyes here for sign up information.

SUNDAY, Nov. 27 (HealthDay News) -- The demands of the season are upon you. And all that socializing, present shopping, decorating and feast preparations can turn this time of year into a stress fest that can affect your health.

"If you are not careful, the holidays take an emotional toll on the body, ranging from increased blood pressure to weakening your immune system," said Gina Kearney, a holistic nurse practitioner and site manager at the Integrative Care Center, affiliated with the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York.

Though it's been widely known that stress can boost a person's heart rate and reduce the ability to fight colds, a new study says that even cholesterol levels can be affected.

Continue reading....



I'm sure I'm not alone with experiencing frustrations when it comes to computers. As much as I enjoy what they allow me to do (connect with all of you), I am nevertheless baffeled at times.

My hard drive failed last Wendesday evening. Great timing...just before a long major holiday weekend here in the US. Okay....all will be well.

The new drive arrived today, though I thought someone was to arrive with it.... someone who would be installing said drive. Another call placed to Dell to find out when.

That's where it all stands for now. Again, if you are waiting for me to get back to you, don't be shy in letting me know.



Sunday, November 27, 2005

Acting Your Age!

It's coming soon!

Acting Your Age: A Guide for Women Who Refuse to go Over-the-Hill!


Friday, November 25, 2005

Hard drives fail

After my last post on protecting yourself against email viruses, it feels strange to report that my hard drive crashed.

What? Wasn't I protected? Well, yes I was. In fact, I had just updated my Norton antivirus program (I usually do that once a week automatically, but did some extra's with all the viruses that were trying to get through). I crashed anyway...but apparently that is not the cause.

Hard drives can fail...apparently anything with moving parts can fail. And it can happen without warning. It's a bummer, let me tell you. Panic? trying to keep that at bay.

The good news is that I spent HOURS on the phone will Dell trying to determine what happened. They are sending someone to my house on Monday to install a new drive.

The best news about all of this is that I do back up my hard drive regularly, and had just done a back up about 24 hours prior to this crash on Wednesday evening. Chances are, once the new drive is in place, I'll be able to restore my data to within 24 hours of the crash. It does mean however, anything I did, any emails I received anytime on Wednesday are gone. And since I keep my calendar on my computer, I have no idea if I have appointments with you or even how to contact you.

So...if you were expecting to hear from me, please contact me again. If I have or miss an appointment with you...please let me know.

So, in addition to virus protection, please back up your ready for the unexpected.



Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Protect Yourself - Email Viruses

I don’t know about you, but I’ve been getting a plethora of email the past week full of viruses. It seems to be hitting the internet more so than usual from what I hear from the lists I am on.

If you are not up to date with whatever protection software you are using, you might want to do so.

If you are not using virus protection...what are you waiting for? You should NOT be online without some sort of protection.

Virus software protects yourself and others. Be safe online!



Tuesday, November 22, 2005


What the heck is a Teleclass or Teleseminar?

Do you get confused when you hear the following terms? Bridge line, teleclass, teleseminar, teleconference, webinar, web conference room, virtual class? Many people are…so let’s cover some of the basics.

What these things all have is common is a way to bring everyone together, from anywhere on the planet, to participate in an event either on the phone (i.e."tele") or over the web. Think of a teleclass like a giant party-line. (You are old enough to remember those aren't you?)

That sounds like it would be confusing, but it's not. The person hosting the call has the option of putting the call in presentation mode or muting it out so the only the presenter can be heard. Most of the time though, we like to leave it open for question and answer. You also have the option to mute our your line...the technique varies with the service being used.

A bridge line is a telephone service the presenter or group leader utilizes to allow for a certain number of people to be present on the same phone line, at the same time. When you sign up for a teleclass for example you will be given a phone number, an access code and instructions.

A webinar or web conference is much the same; it just takes place on the internet. You will be given an address (URL), and an access code. You may have to download some software in order to participate (there are different sorts of rooms). If that is the case, it is recommended you do all this a few days before the conference to make sure you can get in on time.

Classes can be free or fee-based. Often the classes are taped and made available later, again, either for free or a fee. In most cases, the phone number you are given will be long distance, and you are responsible for the cost of the phone call. If you do not happen to have flat rate calling on your phone service, you may want to get yourself a phone card – it really makes a difference!

You’ll find more information about teleseminars, teleclasses and the like in our Teleseminar Etiquette article.


December Teleclass - heads up!


Lucky us! We've been able to book Julie Bestry! And just in time for the holidays!

12/8/05 with Professional Organizer Julie Bestry
"How to Have a Stress Free Holiday".

~ details to follow


Monday, November 21, 2005

No time for exercise?

A survey of women ages 35-60 found that 59% of them said family commitments kept them from exercise.

While we are all busy (regardless of our age), what is missing is that a healthy lifestyle is a committment to family and significant others.

See what you think.

Barbara C. Phillips, NP


Saturday, November 19, 2005

Yeah...we are back!

This blog has been "offline" if you will for several days when I changed hosts. While I had made a post, they would not show up. The blog itself was missing some of it's design.

I love learning, however, sometimes I just wish it was a bit easier.

As you may have figured out from the newsletter...stay tuned...more, good things, are on the way!

Barbara C. Phillips, NP


Sunday, November 13, 2005

New findings about aging

Sixty papers looking at a myriad of issues related to ageing will be up for discussion at a gathering of about 200 delegates including PhD students on Tuesday, November 8.

Grandparents raising grandchildren, baby boomer career women, aged care facilities and the pros and cons of staying in the workforce will be among topics at the fourth National Conference for Emerging Researchers in Ageing (ERA 2005).

read more......


Friday, November 11, 2005

Announcing SpiritEarthGardens

The very first domain name I purchased was almost 5 years ago and it was

I had envisioned an online herbal store at the time. You know how life gets in the way and you don't get back to a project...that's what happened with SEG. I've never forgotten it, never let the name go, though I was offered a nice chunk of change for the name.

Lately, whenever I looked up at my white board (my project board), SpiritEarthGardens seems to be in neon...pulsating. It was time to do something with the name and the ideas.

So, while I sort that out, I've started a blog on blogger, to play with it, and stretch my wings about it.

It’s new, and does not yet know what direction it wants to take. Feel free to take a peak. If you wish share your comments and ideas, I’m listening.


Monday, November 07, 2005

Our society owes women a right to age with dignity

Excellent article out of Asheville, NC discussing the issues of women, aging and money.

You know the old saying … if life gives you lemons, make lemonade! Well, older women have been making lemonade out of life’s lemons for generations on end. Past, present and future — women have made do with their “lot in life” and stoically faced old age with less income and more risk than the majority of men. Most women, especially minority women, confront an old age fraught with the consequences of poverty after a lifetime given to caring for children, parents and relatives. The average woman older than 65 lives six years longer than the average man. As a result, her life may often look like this:

After reading this, can you identify what steps can you take to make changes in your future?

Barbara C. Phillips, NP


Wednesday, November 02, 2005

New Blog!

For a long time now, women have been asking me questions about getting started online, and what tools and services that I use for my business.

On that end, I've started a new blog - Business Recommendations from OlderWiserWomen. I'll be adding to it as time allows...I've got a whole list of things to add so keep checking back.

Better yet...bookmark that site or subscribe to the feed. I will also be adding an email notification sign up there shortly.

Don't worry, I'm not jumping ship and becoming a "marketing or business expert", just providing those of you who are interested with further resources. If you have some you'd like to add...drop me a note.

