What the heck is a Teleclass or Teleseminar?
Do you get confused when you hear the following terms? Bridge line, teleclass, teleseminar, teleconference, webinar, web conference room, virtual class? Many people are…so let’s cover some of the basics.
What these things all have is common is a way to bring everyone together, from anywhere on the planet, to participate in an event either on the phone (i.e."tele") or over the web. Think of a teleclass like a giant party-line. (You are old enough to remember those aren't you?)
That sounds like it would be confusing, but it's not. The person hosting the call has the option of putting the call in presentation mode or muting it out so the only the presenter can be heard. Most of the time though, we like to leave it open for question and answer. You also have the option to mute our your line...the technique varies with the service being used.
A bridge line is a telephone service the presenter or group leader utilizes to allow for a certain number of people to be present on the same phone line, at the same time. When you sign up for a teleclass for example you will be given a phone number, an access code and instructions.
A webinar or web conference is much the same; it just takes place on the internet. You will be given an address (URL), and an access code. You may have to download some software in order to participate (there are different sorts of rooms). If that is the case, it is recommended you do all this a few days before the conference to make sure you can get in on time.
Classes can be free or fee-based. Often the classes are taped and made available later, again, either for free or a fee. In most cases, the phone number you are given will be long distance, and you are responsible for the cost of the phone call. If you do not happen to have flat rate calling on your phone service, you may want to get yourself a phone card – it really makes a difference!
You’ll find more information about teleseminars, teleclasses and the like in our Teleseminar Etiquette article.
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